How to retain charming interior features from the past?


Reinstating existing wall finish, floor or other material which has got traces of history and use all over it might seem quite painful. It is easier to strip the old and install the new, but there are benefits to embrace the challenge. It certainly implies on the look and feel of the space, however leaves you a broad range of aesthetic appearances that you can achieve as a result. Three most common options are to revamp timber floor, expose existing brick wall and reuse various finds creating modern edgy interior accessories. In this same sequence let’s have a look at them in a bit more detail.

/ sanding wood floors: Timber is an expensive natural material that ages beautifully, gaining even more valuable qualities with time. Firstly, it is one of the most hygienic materials which is prone to growing fungus and bacteria or having any pest infestation if properly maintained. This prevents any health-related discomfort which can be experienced around carpets and other unnatural finishes. Wood floors have good heat capacity, which largely contributes to insulating your room, making it look cosy and feel warm. It is also a very durable material with a long lifespan, as it can be sanded at least 5 times depending on its thickness. This means you can have a new looking floor with less effort and time spent than making a brand-new installation. Ultimately, in addition to all aesthetic values that make your home look authentic and luxurious, it also adds actual monetary value to your property.

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/ refreshing exposed brick:  Strength and longevity are two main qualities for which brick is so often used in construction. What we associate now, when we see it exposed in interiors, is charm, authenticity and historical connection. It adds warmth and texture at almost no expense in comparison to other wall finishes, on top of which - very little maintenance is required. It is not unusual, however, in the buildings that are 100 or more years old, that interior brick courses are not as neatly laid as you might wish. This is due to the specifics of the trade historically, where young masons in training would be learning the trade by laying interior brick walls. Also, it’s not only the craftsmanship, but the brick itself was of lower quality for interior than for exterior walls. However, by simply repointing the joints, the wall can suddenly feel much more attractive and give you the look & feel you aspire for.


/ using old copper pipes for home accessories and ironmongery: It is a great opportunity to get hold of original objects that were part of the building and re-use them bringing character to the space. Old metals, tiles, stone surfaces have inherent material properties that give them value. Durability, even if weathered and transformed with age, is part of the charm and chic of something that is natural and robust as well as flexible in terms of a creative application. A modern contemporary idea can transform and reimagine an object or a part of it and surprise you with its capabilities of function. The risk is that the overall setting has to be thoroughly considered and designed in detail to ensure the new unique object completes the picture tastefully. It has to be a strong idea and a simple design, which preserves the reused element in the best way.

/ Some more: Maintaining existing terracotta tile + keeping original architectural features if there are any (vaulted ceiling, original cornices, fireplaces or chimneys, tainted glass in windows etc.) is a very popular way to add charm to an interior of an existing building. However, like anything to do with old features that are being retained from the past and exposed in the new design, moderation is key. Excess can completely damage the look and the perceived value of the space as well as overwhelm the rest of a very well-considered character.

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Further to all the conceptual, aesthetic, practical and monetary benefits discussed above, it is environmentally friendly and respectful to the planet to contribute to waste reduction in this simple and obvious way. Sustainability can be embraced by every little step we take. Re-using existing material, that has aged but yet is in perfect condition, is a big one. It is not only the way to save some money and be original & creative, but more importantly, it is also your way to make a meaningful change on a larger scale.


5 exposed brick styles in modern interiors

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Exposed brick walls are most commonly found in apartments formed inside abandoned warehouses and lofts, which has influenced our perception of look and feel created by this design element. With rare honesty, it raises associations with industrial past and therefore brings the luxury of authenticity to the space. However, having been so highly favoured by many people, it gives a very broad scope for creative new palettes and style variation that it plays part to. This short article will particularly focus on the range of spatial character that brick wall suggests as well as design strategies to achieve each one of those characters.

5 distinct interior atmospheres that love a brick wall:

Industrial: exposed and raw - unfinished but refined.

Here, structural and mechanical building elements that sustain function and intended use of the building are kept exposed. Large open space, minimal intervention, honest materiality are all true features of the industrial interior. Bold and unique interior objects (furniture, art, other fittings) are key to bringing freshness into this interior style. Utilitarian elements are celebrated by leaving pipes, ducts and other service elements exposed. Vintage objects can really contribute to the unfinished look of the space too, emphasizing the juxtaposing eras of both.

Bohemian with rustic elements: The feel that this style is celebrating is rather nostalgic and carefree with hints to romance. It is a bold collection of texture, colour and pattern. It is very proud of its seemingly random collection of objects on display, sustaining a very artistic yet liberal atmosphere. There is no one defined vision of a bohemian style, as more than any other style it is very unique and faithful to the personality and culture of its creator. Well-preserved existing architectural features saturate interiors with sensational moments and add more layers to our perception of that space.

Contemporary sleek: There are many streams to the modern style but they all share one common quality - a very well-found balance between neutral and bold. Minimalism is key. Contemporary is a more relaxed attempt to a modern style, where simplicity is not as enforced. Here, the exposed raw material may sometimes appear as a passive feature to the space, not in any case accentuated by any surrounding clutter. Often it might be painted over to match with the rest, blending it into the minimal context even more.

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Barn / Country: This is less typical for an urban environment property; however, its raw absence of luxury and bare authenticity is often an inspiration. In case of a barn conversion, it is worth keeping existing structural elements, such as beams and walls, exposed. This way we accentuate the natural fabric of the original use. The space then can be complimented with either very minimal modern pieces or quite vintage and rustic - both will work really well with the honest background.

Tacky and kitschy IN A BAD CASE: In short, this starts to happen when it is falsely overused, and replications as opposed to honest features start being used. This is a no-go zone, just mentioned here as a reminder to look out for spurious excess.


3 worthwhile aspects that this raw material adds to the value of the space:

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1. Experiential: Adds character. There is a vast number of types and range of colours of brick as well as a wide variety of bonds, that all give a brick wall its particular look and story. It is fascinating how wide is the range of appearances that can be achieved with treating exposed brick in a certain way and then completing the ensemble with considerate detail.

2. Time-related: not fashion but classy, so a long-lasting design. Wall paper, paints, porcelain tiles are all in a way superficial finishes, the range of which is unceasingly growing to reflect new interior movements. Raw structural materials, on the contrary, is the essential basis that is always present. Even though interior trends are ever-changing, such elements as brick, concrete, steel and glass do not respond to such fashions.

3. Monetary: value can be added by keeping original elements. Finally, the point which is in no way less important is money. Real features highlight the authenticity of a property, which has always been worth something more. Random collection of words here: History, craftsmanship, quality, longevity, character, meaning, tactility, layers and manifestation, but altogether that is what gives value, unites the concept and coincidently is a list of things the majority of us is attracted to.

 Pulling together interior ideas for your own home is mesmerising, yet not easy. More often than not you will need professional advice to help you define the right path, consolidate your thoughts and preferences, or even specify the right materials to achieve the vision in a practical way. Having existing features, such as brick walls, can give your journey a steer and hopefully this article has shown you how.